Sunday, November 2, 2008

Camping out

Last night dad and Kathryn decided they wanted to Camp in the front yard. Tom got out a tent that had been given to us, but we had not checked it out and apparently the people had not cleaned it well the last time they used it so it had sand and leaves in it and it smelled funny so they decided to sleep in the van with the seats reclined. They got a camp fire going and toasted marshmellows. They sat out there and talked and had fun together. I came out long enough to snap a few photos and then retreated back inside. When it came time to go to bed Kathryn decided sleeping in the van was not for her so they came inside and she set up one of her pop up play tents in her room and camped out on her floor. so much for the great outdoors. Give me a camper trailer any day.

1 comment:

luksky said...

Although we do tent camp, I prefer the camper trailer idea better myself. :-)