Monday, January 12, 2009


Even though we have been open for 2 weeks now we had our official ribbon cutting yesterday. It is so cool living in a small town like Havana. We were passing out flyers on Friday announcing the opening and Melody's Hair Happenings offered to let us use this giant pair of scissors to cut the ribbon, our sign guy has a Grand Opening sign he let us borrow, and the florist blew up our balloons in exchange for lunch. Only in a small town are people willing to barter and trade wtih you. I love it.
Robert is our monkey if there is anything we want hung he is our man to go to.
Laura this one is for you. This is the view from my take out window.

Chris and the kids came over for lunch. OMG they just keep getting taller and taller. All three of them tower over me now.

As we are settling into our routine we have each discovered our little nitches. tom and Amanda are the cooks, I man the window, and Robert backs up whoever is in need. He is good in either location. The girls bus the tables for tips. In reality they just go out and wipe them off since everything is disposable, but it gives them a job to do too so they feel included.
I must go get ready to go up to the resturant. Drop in if you are in the neighborhood.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

As our first week ends...

I know that this was not a typical week at the resturant. Because of the holiday and we really have not started advertising yet, except through friends and family and word of mouth. We are working out the kinks and are planning on the Grand Opening next Saturday.

It is funny how after only a few days we have our regulars. The Police Department loves the Havana Burger, and the NAPA guys just keep trying different things to see what is their favorite.
Chris is a retired gentleman who comes each evening and our neighbor at BAPS has been over several times.

The girls go back to school this week so the schedule of when we will be working is about to change. Tom, Amanda and Robert will take turns opening and I will be working evenings after we are finished with school. Most days I will be picking up Sam and then going to the resturant where one of them will get off and take the girls home. It is going to change some of our extra curricular activities but not too dramatically. Most of Kathryn's activities were before 3 pm anyway. The boys will have to close on Tuesday nights because Amanda and I have Bible study but I do not forsee that as a problem. For Tom and Robert who are used to working 10 and 12 hour days as managers this is not a big change for them.

The girls and I have discovered the local park and the library. We got a library card for Gadsden county so that we could check things out. Each Tuesday afternoon they have a program after school for the children. This month it is about the Earth and Space. Can't wait.

will write more in a few days and maybe have some new pics to share. Love to all.