Sunday, August 3, 2008

Last weekend the IMAX Theatre had a Pamdamonia Day. It was celebrating the upcoming Olympics and the release of the new Kung Fu Panda movie. It was free so it fit right into my budget. Kathryn and Samantha are enjoying a round of jousting. Sam of course knocked Kathryn off everytime. But they were both good sports about it and had a blast.

The girls also had their names written in Chineese. (I did mine too) It looks pretty cool.
When I saw this on their web site is was called The Egg Roll race. I thought they were coing something with eggrolls. Much to my surprise and amusement they had to roll the egg down the course....
...with their noses. Kathryn won this every time. I think it is because she is close to the ground and had better control of her egg.
In this game Sam and Grace excelled. They were to use chopsticks to move as many pieces of popcorn from one container to another. It is not a easy as it sounds. Espically if you do not know how to use the sticks to begin with.

We had a few minutes to kill before the movie began so I took them over to the Mary Brogan Museum. The wind tunnel is one of their favorite activities. The winds get up to 75 MPH which is Cat 1 force winds.

Grace has wonderful arm strength. The object is to lift your own body weight. She did this so effortlessly.
Grace and Sam both did well with the base ball toss. If memory serves they both tossed balls in excess of 20 MPH.
We finally made it to the movie and it was so funny and had some good teaching points. I recommend it to see when you get the opportunity.

Glamour shots

The girls and I were looking around the living room at Kathryn's pictures that I have had professionally done since she was a baby, they noticed there were none from last year and none from this year. Well I did them last year but did not like how they came out so I have not put up one. This year I decided to try something different. I had the girls get all dressed up and we went in the front yard and had our own photo shoot.
Every year I have had something in the picture that is special to her that year. When she was three it was land before time and at 4 it was 101 Dalmations. This year it is Sally. A few weeks ago she lost Sally. Sally is the little dog she got her from build a bear when she was two and Sally has had all kinds of adventures with Kathryn. We looked and looked and could not find the dog. I thought it was discontinued but I went on BAB and lo and behold I found another one. I ordered it and had it sent with a note to Kathryn that this is Sally too and she is going to keep Kathryn company until the other cane be found. Kathryn's face just lit up.

This is Sam posing with her bunny.

This is Grace. She and Sam have the same bunny.

Kathryn, Grace, and Sam were able to spend a lot of time together over this week while Grace's parents were packing up their house in Bristol to move into Tall. Yea for us they will be closer and we can visit more often.

Personally I think these turned out just as good if not better than any I could have done professionally. Enjoy.