Monday, December 14, 2009

December is here...

and so is the cold weather. I normally don't mind but working the window at the resturant is very cold when the wind starts blowing.

Kathryn had her first stomach bug of the year...thank goodness it only lasted for 24 hours. Why is it if a child is going to get sick they do it in the middle of the night when you are soound asleep. Later that morning she said her stomach was hurting I wasn't sure if it was from throwing up or hunger because nothing else was in her tummy. She tried to eat a little something and I told her to take sips of water so she would not throw up and she would stay hydrated. She learned the hard way if you take gulps you will see it again.
She woke up this morning saying "mommy I only ate 2 bites of soup and some bread yesterday I'm starrrrrrrving" My over dramatic child. She probably is hungry though.
She is missing school today to rest up some more but I think she will survive this one.

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