Just to let everyone know Kathryn had her stitches taken out yesterday. She was so nervous about it , but afterward she said " mommy, it was just a pinch and a tug and then it was all done.
Afterward we went to The Mary Brogan Art and Science Museum. Kathryn's friend Grace was moving on Wednesday so while her parents were busy with the movers I took the girl to the museum. This first activity is a bowling ball attached to a string. You pull it back and when you let it go the pressure pushes a tennis ball high into the air.
The bottom two floors are science. The girls had the opportunity to experience electricity in it's may forms. This was solar power. On the second floor there was a room that had a sandbox with many types of shells, sponges, starfish and clams. the girls played at this station for about 30 to 45 minutes. I guess I need to get them into a sand box more often. The sand was not sticky enough to build a castle but the girls built towers out of the shells and poured sand over the top to make their own sand castles. On the top floor is the art museum. The topic was early american folkart. There were a lot of sculpures. I thought they were very cool. There were some that were carved out of drift wood. Those were the best in my opinion.
After we left the museum we were sitting outside and I was blowing bubbles that the girls were chasing. These are touchable bubbles. You can catch them on your hand and they won't pop. They are so much fun.
Here Kathryn and Grace are "holding" up the fountain. I was trying my hand at optical illusions in my photography. How did I do? We left soon after this and headed back to Gaces new house to see if they were done. I was amazed at how much the movers had finished. There are many boxes to unpack but the furniture is all in place. All in all it was a wonderful day.

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