Friday started off like most any Friday we went to the library for Summer Reading with her friend Grace. This summer they are taking a trip around the world. Each week they are talking and reading about a different continent. Last week was South America and this week was Africa. Since we covered all this during the school year this is all a review to her.
Their project was to trace their hand ...
... and then to decorate it with lines and swirls.

After we left I took the girls to Chuck E Cheese. Kathryn was given a gift card for her birthday and I though this would be a good time to use it. Nice air conditioned, in- door activity. Our Chuck E Chees has been completely redone so there were lots of new games for the girls to explore.
This is one of them. while on the pony you lean and move his reins left and right to guide him. Makes me wish for an adult version, at least then I won't have the fear of being thrown off.
The girls played for about an hour and a half, ate some pizza and got their prizes, but they were still not ready to leave so I told them they could play on the climber.
They have been on it many times with no accidents...
...but this time as they were chasing each other Kathryn tripped and ran head first into the basketball game. They called the EMT's and everything. Because it is a head wound it looks worse than it really is. They put a bandaid on it and advised me to take her to our doctor for stitches. She wound up up getting 2 stitches. I did not realize how strong my 6 year old is until they came at her with the needle to numb the area to put in the stitches. It took 2 nurses and myself to hold her down while the doctor numbed her up. After the numbing agent took effect she was good as gold. The doctor told her no bath's for 48 hours and she had to relax for the rest of the day. She watched movies and played with her Little Pet Shop friends. She had a slight headache after the numbing agent wore off but she has said that her head has not hurt since. Praise God no concussion.

...but this time as they were chasing each other Kathryn tripped and ran head first into the basketball game. They called the EMT's and everything. Because it is a head wound it looks worse than it really is. They put a bandaid on it and advised me to take her to our doctor for stitches. She wound up up getting 2 stitches. I did not realize how strong my 6 year old is until they came at her with the needle to numb the area to put in the stitches. It took 2 nurses and myself to hold her down while the doctor numbed her up. After the numbing agent took effect she was good as gold. The doctor told her no bath's for 48 hours and she had to relax for the rest of the day. She watched movies and played with her Little Pet Shop friends. She had a slight headache after the numbing agent wore off but she has said that her head has not hurt since. Praise God no concussion.
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