Samantha has been in North Carolina for the last two weeks visiting her Aunt , Uncle, and cousins up there. On Wednesday we went with Amanda to Georgia to pick her up. We came back with an extra child, Josh came back too. This was Kathryn's first chance to meet her Uncle Randy.

Where we met them was at this strip mall and behind it was a water cooler in the shape of a giant peach. I tried my hand at an optical illusion. I could not get their hands placed just right. But it is still cute.

Thursday night the kids wanted to spend the night at our place. Remember those tents they played with before. This time they choose to sleep in them. Josh is in the bus and Sam and Kathryn are in th one laying sideways.

Saturday the kids wanted to go to the pool, so they pooled their money and we set off. On the way I saw lightening in the sky and knew that they were not going to let us in the pool so We talked it over and decided to go to the cheep seats and see Horton Hears a Who and then to Chuck E Cheese to play. It was a lot of fun. Kathryn did not want to go to CEC to start off with because she was afraid of being hurt again, but we talked it over and once we were there she was fine.
Sunday afternoon the kids were feeling restless so I encouraged them ( pushed may be a better termonology) to go outside and run off some energy. They found the Croquet set and had a blast hitting the balls all over the yard.

It truly is wonderful to see these three together. They have been like peas in a pod the last few days and with no arguing. It has been amazing.
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