We are back in school and doing great. We tried an experiment this week where we tackled only one subject a day. Monday and Tuesday were rough because it was all math and phonics and lang arts. Wed she loved it was science, Thurs was history, and Friday was music and art. I have discovered that you can do certian things all in one day but that there are others that need to be taught daily. So next week we will revamp it again.

This is papyrus paper that the ancient civilizations used to write on. Of course theirs was made out of bark and stems and stuff. we used paper. Kathryn also used clay and made a tablet that she put hieroglyphics on. We talked about which would be easier to carry around to share stories with other people.

This vest was a review of her plants unit. this part was the parts of a plant and what they need to grow.

We began our under the sea unit by creating an octopus from model magic. He lost a leg after he dried that we had to hot glue back on. The face is because she is holding her breath and swimming with the octopus.

We had fun creating a kelp forest out of pipe cleaners, pom poms, construction psper, and foam balls. She also wanted to create some pom pom otters to live in her kelp forest. If you click on the picture it should enlarge enough to see the otters.

We created a tidal pool with the model magic. Personally I love that stuff way better than play doh. We still work with play doh but for projects we do not want to crumble and fall apart this stuff is fab. There is a snail, sea snake, starfish, sand dollars, tadpoles, and green plants ofr them to eat.

Daddy has added to our science unit too. He and Kathryn we walking to get the mail on Wednesday and came accross this gentleman sitting in the gulley. They brought him up to the house and observed him for awhile. This is his mad face he was not happy about being picked up. Then they took him to the swamp in Amanda's back yard and let him go.

Our next adventure came when Daddy and Robert came back from Lowes Yesterday(Friday) and the cats had this cottonmouth cornered. Yes it is dead. Notice the missing head. The darn thing wiggled and squirmed for about an hour before it finally realized it was dead. Tom showed the girls it's fangs. Later that afternoon They found another one by the horse pen but it hid before they could kill it. It was getting dark so they are going to flush it out today and kill it.
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