I was tired of Kathryn's room so I sent her in there to clean it up. My directives were "I wnat nothing on the floor. I want to be able to vacum in here" I told her what ever I found on the floor when I went to inspect it was going to go in time out for awhile. I gave her about an hour and then said I was coming in after I do the dishes. that gave her a time table. While I was doing dishes her daddy went in to help her. As you can tell by the pics nothing is on the floor. It is also not put away but it is not on the floor.

Got to love those daddys and kids working together.
Yes that is a baby high chair hidden under all that junk. I did go in the next day with her and we put things away where they belonged and now she has nightly inspections where mommy checks her room so it does not get this way again.
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