Alex's Lemonade Stand
Today at Albertson's we held a Lemonade stand to benifit Pediatric Cancer research. This stand was started because of Alex Scott a little girl who lost her 4 year battle against cancer. When she got sick she told her parents she wanted to have a lemonade stand to raise money for her doctors to find a cure. In her 4 year batttle she raised 1 million dollars. Since then almost 16 million dollars has been raised due to these lemonade stands. We dedicate this stand to Alexandra Scott and to Daniel Phillips who lost his battle 4 years ago to leukemia. To them and to all the children who have won, lost, or are still battling our prayers go out to you.
This nice lady was our first customer. Many people who stopped at the stand did not want any lemonade but gave generously.

Some of our corporate sponsors included McDonalds ( Pictured here is Lo, a McDonalds representative, who brought us the cooler and the cups), Chick fil a ( who donated 5 gallons of fresh squeezed lomonade.), and Walmart( who gave us a $25 gift card for supplies). And a special thank you to Albertson's for allowing us to set up to have the fund raiser.
Today at Albertson's we held a Lemonade stand to benifit Pediatric Cancer research. This stand was started because of Alex Scott a little girl who lost her 4 year battle against cancer. When she got sick she told her parents she wanted to have a lemonade stand to raise money for her doctors to find a cure. In her 4 year batttle she raised 1 million dollars. Since then almost 16 million dollars has been raised due to these lemonade stands. We dedicate this stand to Alexandra Scott and to Daniel Phillips who lost his battle 4 years ago to leukemia. To them and to all the children who have won, lost, or are still battling our prayers go out to you.

As the Albertsons patrons would come up to the store the children greeted them with an American Flag sticker and invited them over for lemonade and to make a donation.
All total we gave out about 100 glasses of lemonade. Thank you to all the children and parents of K12 , TCHF, and TEACH who came out to hand out lemonade. With all of your help we had lemonade, cookies, muffins, fresh fruit, brownies, coolers, a much needed tent for shade, lots of hands helping, and wonderful fellowship.
Kathryn is helping to make some more lemonade.
This was the last group shot that we did that has all the children and parents in the shot.

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