Last summer as a gift for helping with VBS the director gave me a gift certificate for a year membership to the Mary Brogan Museum. It is a very cool Science and Art Center. Last week we invited our friends Grace and Ms Eva to go with us. We started out on the bottom floor that had a dinosaur exhibit going up. We were only able to peek around the corners because it ws not fully ready for tours.

On the second floor we played with all the science experiments. We are discussing simple machines in science so I made sure we talked about these principals as we walked around. Kathryn's favortite place int he museum is where they have the live fish and other undersea creatures.

The funny thing about this picture was I took it several times trying to show what was going on. As you can see the wheel has red and blue on it. When you spin the wheel it blends to be purple and no matter how many pics I took I could never get a shot of the purple.

This is an example of a pulley. You sit down and lift your own weight. There are three different seats with different numbers of pulley's. Of course the one with the most pulley's is easier to use and it took the girls( and us ) a few minutes to figure that out. Eva and I also took our turns at it. We did not get as high as the kids but we did get our feet off the ground.

After we left the museum we went to Lake Ella park to have a picnic lunch. We fed the duck, fish, pigions, and turtles as well as our own tummies.

This day was a mixture of emotions. Kathryn has been asking to go to the places for awhile but because of everything going on in our lives we have not had the time to do it, But because Danny was in the hospital we could go to the museum and I felt guilty because he was there and we could go. Everyone says it is a normal reaction but that doesn't stop the feelings.
We did enjoy our day with our friends.
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