This is Bella. Doesn't she just look like the cats meow. She thinks she is the best thing since slice bread. Well now she has a little competition for Kathryn's time and she is not a happy camper.

This is Angel, the newest addition to our family. Don't know what possessed me but she just captured my heart the first time I saw her.

If you had ever asked me before what kind of animal I would have as an adult, a cat would have been way down on my list but I am finding out that I like cats. Once you train them what they are and are not allowed to jump onto they mind most of the time.

Angel is still all kitten and likes to play all the time. Kathryn wants to hold her like a baby but all she wants to do is play. We are working on that.

When Angel first came over from next door Kathryn would put her in the stroller and take her for walks because she would not jump out of the stroller. Now she won't have any part of it. We gave her a ball of yarn to play with. This will probably come back to bite me but she was so cute batting it all over the living room.