Remember back when you had a 35 mm camera. You would take a roll of film, then drop it in a drawer or your purse saying I need to get that developed, and then 3 years later come across it and finally do get it developed. We the same thing can happen with a digital camera. I have 2 of the memory cards and apparently have not used the 2nd one in many years because these are the pics I found on it. The first few are recent because I pulled it out because the other one was full and needed to snap just a few more pics. Ha Ha. The others are at least 2 to 3 years old. Enjoy this trip down memory lane with me.
Here are Sam and Kathryn at VBS this summer. It was called Boomarang Express.

Anything dealing with animals has both halves of my daughters divided attention.

Here is one of Sam's award ceremonies at Canopy oaks 2 years ago.

this one is her graduation from 5th into 6th grade this year.

Kathryn really had fun playing soccer . This was her playing soccer in the spring of her kindergarten year.

When Robert still worked for Albertsons they would sponsor this event. It was a walk a thon. Christmas of '07 Amanda and I participated with the girls. And yes I got out there and did the walk.

They had a bounce house for the kids. Look at his great smile. This was before she lost her 4 front teeth. Which I am happy to report are finally starting to grow back in.

Halloween 2007. While we were Trick or Treating one of the houses had this snake in their yard and we snapped some pics around it.

You can see sam standing but look under the 2nd hump to see Kathryn. Below is a close up of her playing peek a boo.

She was a dalmation in '07

Every year since birth we have taken pics at a pumpkin patch this was Halloween '07 with her best friend Hannah.

What a fun trip down memory lane.
1 comment:
Don't ya just love it when you find little surprises like forgotten roles of film and stashed away money? Loved the pics.
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