I was in the dining room working on some projects for later in the week and she was in the office watching a movie. She comes out and proudly shows me the string of garland that she made "all by herself" I guess her little artistic side gets to come out for a breath of fresh air every once in a while.

Saturday was a one day Kids Christmas Day at a church in Killarn. One of the moms on the homeschool loop posted it and invited us all to come drop off our children for the day and go do some shopping. Those of you who know me know I am not dropping my child off somewhere where I do not know the people so I stayed and volunteered. It was a lot of fun.
Hannah and Haddy joined Sam and Kathryn for this one day event. The children made several crafts, heard the story of christmas and had a blast playing together.This project was making a wreath out of puzzle pieces. they also made paper chains, place mats, and a nativity out of popcycle sticks.
Hannah and Kathryn are busy on their paper chain. They worked together to create it and at the end of the day they split it in half and each took their piece home to put on the tree. Notice Sally and Sally ( the little dogs) in the picture. Kathryn knew that Hannah wanted a little dog like hers so we got her one for Christmas. Hannah opened it just before they came in here to do this project.
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday Kathryn and Sam sang in the church production of "Life, Death, and Two Strips of Bacon" Funny title funny play. The girls sang the opening two songs and then there was nothing else for them to do. We sat through the play 2 times but on Sat night we cut out as soon as they were done singing. Their song was cute they took the song Jingle Bells and
and sang "rolling through the mall in a pair of roller blades" They had to dress for winter because int he play it is supposed to be where it is snowing. A big stretch for the ones who have never seen snow before.

This week on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday kathryn and Sam and I are participating in a Christmas VBS. Neat concept. All the activities have centered around Jesus and His birth. The mission project is collecting teddy bears for the fire department and the police department in the community. They take these toys with them when they go to an emergency involving a child and the toy helps to calm the child. The plan is to totally fill this 10 foot tall tree with soft friends and after Christmas give them to the fire and police departments.
This lady was reading a story to the children. I honestly felt very drawn to her, she reminded me so much of Mems. For those of you who do not know Mems was my father's mother and she passed away when Kathryn was a month old. We had gone to see her and introduce her to Kathryn and she passed away while we were there. I am glad she got to see her great grand child, and even though Kathryn will not remember it I always will.
This is the minister and he was portraying Joseph. Each day a new character comes in and tells the story from their perspective. so far we have heard from Mary, Joseph, the shepards and the inn keeper.
They look so angelic don't they.
After this picture Mary got tired of holding the baby so in a very modern move she handed the baby over to Joseph. She said," I'm tired of holding the baby it's your turn"
Watch out Baby your Halo is slipping.
We will finish with VBS tomorrow, and are going to Monticello to visit with friends there and then home for Christmas Eve and Christmas day. Saturday we open up the new resturant. We passed indpection last Friday and are opening up this Saturday. I will post pics later in the week at the resturant grand opening. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

and sang "rolling through the mall in a pair of roller blades" They had to dress for winter because int he play it is supposed to be where it is snowing. A big stretch for the ones who have never seen snow before.

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