Today we participated in Havana Annual Lawn Mower Parade. We were not sure what to expect but I personally was pleasently surprised at the creativity of eveyone. It was so cute. This is our float. The funny thing is this snowman was up for this picture and for the practice run but ......

.....when it came time for the parade the inverter did not want to work so he was deflated for most of the parade. Robert drove the mower while Sam, Thomas and Amanda walked the route. They were going to give out candy but found out it is against the rules to do that for safty reasons. They did have fun just walking and saying hi to everyone though.

a few entries from the parade.

This was actually a golf cart. There were several of these entered too.

These folks were singing Frosty the Snowman.

Of course Santa ended the parade.

The whole parade lasted about 20 minutes and then Kathryn and I headed home she could not take anymore. Every other breath was followed by a coughing spell. Everyone else finished the parade route and disassembled the float and then came home.