Kathryn celebrated her 8th birthday with a masquerade birthday party. We borrowed a disco ball and Eva and Kendall helped me to decorate the room for the party. She loved dancing with her favorite date her Daddy.

She was so funny about her outfit. She had the dress but then she wanted the white gloves and all the accessories.

This mask is one I got a long time ago on a trip to New Orleans.

Hannah turned 9 on May 16th. She had a slumber party the night before Kathryn's party. Kathryn and Hannah have been friends since K was 2 and H was 3. They have celebrated their birthdays together since then.

Grace Dennington

Making a mask.

Grace Spear

Daylen, Hannah, Sam, and Paisley making a mask.

Daylen Sponholtz

Samantha Higgins

Haddy St Clair