Friday, November 28, 2008
And so it begins
Kathryn asked the other day, "When do we get to decorate for Christmas?" I told her it would not be until after Thanksgiving so it would not do until we had pulled out the tree and put it up. I still have more to do but this is a good start. I think this is going to be her Christmas photo for this year.

Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Over the past year we have been thankful for all the blessing God has given us like good health, being able to stay in the house we are in, always having a meal on the table, and friends and family who are there to lend a hand or an ear.
This year Tom's Aunt Sherl and Uncle Art invited us to Panama City for Thanksgiving Dinner. It was a wonderful time.
There were people inside...
outside on the porch...
and really outside like the first Thanksgiving.
Kathryn was very happy because after dinner we went accross the bridge and she got to see "her" Lauralie...
... and "her" Skipper. She loves visiting Aunt Nancy and Uncle rick but the trip was complete when she played with Skipper and Lauralie.
Kathryn and Lauralie tumbled all over the living room floor. They rolled up the carpet and used it for a balance beam.
Nancy got into the act by helping them with backbands.
I even got into the act and swung Lauralie around a little.
We had a great day visiting with everyone, and remember our door is always open for those who want to come visit us.

A Dangerous Object
It looks pretty benign doesn't it, until you put it in the hands of a 6 yr old. The other night Kathryn was watching TV. She had turned off the lights and was watching a movie in the dark like in the theater.

I called her and told her it was bedtime. She got up turned off the TV and went and put on her PJ's and brushed her teeth. We went back through the living room ( which is still dark) to her room to tuck her in. On the way guess who trips over the minitramp. I have bruises from my neck to my ankle. This is the only one I can put on line though. I am fine but I told her that if it was left out after she went to bed again it was going out the door.

Monday, November 24, 2008
Hi everyone
I must appologize for the length between posts but it has been nuts around here. First I got sick, then Tom and then Kathryn. Tom is having digestive problems ( I am hoping he is not about to have another bout with divroticulitus), Kathryn and I have been fighting sinus problems. She woke up the last 2 mornings with a pain in her ear so I spent today in the doctors office ( they said it is not infected but that the canal is inflamed somewhat so they prescribed eardrops for her).
There really has not been much else going on. The home school group put together a Thanksgiving Picnic. The only drawback was it was incredible cold. We stayed for several hours and had a great time and then we went to gymnastics. The last week and a half we have not ventured far from home because of our colds.
We are planning on going to Panama City to Tom's Aunt's house for Thanksgiving dinner and then dashing across the bridge to visit Rick, Nancy and everyone over there. Kathryn is so excited because she gets to visit Her Skipper( Rick and Nancy's dog) and Her Lauralie ( Lindsey and James daughter). She is so happy because we have not had a chance to get to PC in over a year.
If anyone wants to visit over the Christmas hoilidays our door is always open. We are going nowhere during the month of December. We have room for visitors so not outlay for a hotel. Just let me know. Would love to see you all. Must sign off now it is shower time for tiny mite. talk soon.
There really has not been much else going on. The home school group put together a Thanksgiving Picnic. The only drawback was it was incredible cold. We stayed for several hours and had a great time and then we went to gymnastics. The last week and a half we have not ventured far from home because of our colds.
We are planning on going to Panama City to Tom's Aunt's house for Thanksgiving dinner and then dashing across the bridge to visit Rick, Nancy and everyone over there. Kathryn is so excited because she gets to visit Her Skipper( Rick and Nancy's dog) and Her Lauralie ( Lindsey and James daughter). She is so happy because we have not had a chance to get to PC in over a year.
If anyone wants to visit over the Christmas hoilidays our door is always open. We are going nowhere during the month of December. We have room for visitors so not outlay for a hotel. Just let me know. Would love to see you all. Must sign off now it is shower time for tiny mite. talk soon.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
A friend on the homeschool loop organized this fieldtrip to the fair. This is our guide Roy. He was very good with the children and kept us right on schedule. There were about 60 kids all together.
We went to see the goats and pigs and then we were treated to the pig races. Our pig came in 3rd. Brittney Spareribs was in no hurry to get around the track.
this is our whole group. If you zoom in you might be able to find the Doodlebug. She was dressed all in pink. Pink is her favorite color this week.
Our last stop was at the petting zoo and let me tell you I am personally glad it was last because we got to spend extra time there. It was hard to get her away from all the critters. What a change from a few years ago when I could not get her within 10 feet of a live critter.

It is hard to tell by the above picture but these are called Button quail and it is because you could fit about 10 of the little critters in the palm of your hand they are so small and cute. Of course my child wanted to take several home as pets.
This Alpaca was our favorite animal in the whole zoo. We both wanted to bring him home. With that cute little face and expresive eyes we were hooked. Most of our carrots went to him.

This one was a surprise to me. It is the first time I have seen a Zebra in a petting zoo.

It was a wonderful day and after we left we went to the pet store and she got to pick out an algea eater for her fish tank. We had been telling her for awhile when we had a little extra money we would get it for her. Well her profits from the yard sale, for giving up some things, went to get "Al". He and Mystery are getting along great. I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
Grace's Slumber Party
Kathryn and Sam's friend Grace had a slumber party for her 8th birthday. Danda got them all matching PJs and Barbara got them little goody bags that included little Diva sleep masks ( Kathryn now sleeps with hers on every night too funny) Barbara is very creative and the girls each decorated they overnight bags with paints and iron on letters. 
They all three have matching Build a Bear Bunnies so they all got matching outfits for their bunnies that they got to decorate too.
Tom and I came over on Saturday morning because their nieghborhood was having a community yard sale and Bill and Barbara said we could set up in their yard if we wanted to so we did. Best yard sale I have ever had, and believe me I have had my share of them. My one promise to Tom was that if it left the house it would not come back so after the sale everything went to the thrift store.

Kathryn, Sam, and Grace wanted to continue the party all day Saturday and have a 2nd night sleep over. Robert and Amanda were going to take them to lunch at the Red Elephant, a kids pizza joint, and then back to Bill and Barbara's. I initally said no that I wanted her to come home and not spend two nights away from home; however. her daddy felt that i should let her stretch her little wings and stay another night. I reluctantly agreed.
At about 11:30 I get this call from her saying she wanted to come home. I told Tom that it was important for us to go get her because if she can't trust us now to get her when she needs us how can we expect her to call us when she is older and needs help. So we loaded up and went across town and got her. They told us that once we said we were coming she relaxed and was laughing and they thought she would be fine to stay but when we got there she was ready to come home. She stayed awake all the way home but was asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. I have to say I was very glad to have her back home. At 6 two night was just too much for her. It will come in time.
Hi Ms Tracy
Last Monday Ms Tracy Hall, Kathryn's on line teacher last year, met all her past and present students at the Archelogical Mounds State Park for a picnic. It was really good to see her again. even though Kathryn has a different teacher this year it was fun to touch base again.
while the parents talked the children had fun playing soccer and exploring the area. See my little tomboy out there playing in her dress. She really enjoys Soccer. Because it was such a warm pleasant day we cautioned the children to keep a sharp eye out for snakes that were out sunning themselves. In the whole group I believe only one was spotted.
After the picnic Kathryn and I stayed behind and did some Math. We were talking about measuring so we took out ruler into the woods and had some fun. We looked for things that were more and less than a foot and then i introduced a yard and she had to find something that was a yard long. She only found one thing that was our picnic table.

Sunday, November 2, 2008
Camping out
Last night dad and Kathryn decided they wanted to Camp in the front yard. Tom got out a tent that had been given to us, but we had not checked it out and apparently the people had not cleaned it well the last time they used it so it had sand and leaves in it and it smelled funny so they decided to sleep in the van with the seats reclined. They got a camp fire going and toasted marshmellows. They sat out there and talked and had fun together. I came out long enough to snap a few photos and then retreated back inside. When it came time to go to bed Kathryn decided sleeping in the van was not for her so they came inside and she set up one of her pop up play tents in her room and camped out on her floor. so much for the great outdoors. Give me a camper trailer any day.
Lake Ella
Today after church we went out to lunch and took a walk around Lake Ella. We have lived here for just over 2 years and this was the first time we went there. I can promise you it will not be our last time though. There are many places for us to sit down and enjoy nature. and the walking trail around the park is well shaded and made for a pleasant walk. Next time though we will bring our camera. We saw ducks, squirrels, turtles, dogs, cats, pigions and storks. On one section they even had a food drive going on and many activities planned for the kids and vendors set up. It was a pleasant way to spend an afternoon.
Halloween Party
This year instead of taking Kathryn out trick or treating in a neighborhood where I did not know anyone we decided to have a party at our house. Our own neighborhood is so spread out we have been going to another one close by. Kathryn and I had fun planning all the activities for everyone to do. In attendance we had Kathryn, Sam, Paige, Grace S., Grace D, Faith, Talia, and Dallas.

Ms Eva is showing off her costume as a princess ( borrowed from Grace of course)
Amanda and I tried our hand at face painting. Next year we will get better face paint. This kind was hard to apply. The kids thought it was great though.

The first thing they did was to decorate a treat bag. Each family had brought a bag of trick or treat candy to share with everyone. When they were done the children went out play and Lona filled up their bags with the candy and other treasures. Instead of having them get a prize each time they played a game I just let them have fun playing the games and everyone got prizes in their bags.

Some of the games included ring toss....
Pin the nose ont he pumpkin....
... and .. Bean Bag toss....
Danny Jack brought Cowboy over for the kids to meet.
Sam as Hannah Montana and Paige as a Princess.
somewhere in the middle of the festivities we had a snack.
Our last activity was a race to see who could put the scarecrow together first.
The team on the left won but everyone had fun playing the game.
I think that I will leave them up through Thanksgiving. Arn't they just the cutest.
We also had Halloween books out for the children and they asked me to read them a story before they headed home.
Our last guest was Cousin It. I think that is Grace D under all that hair.
Kathryn missed the act of Trick or Treating, but she had so much fun at her party she said she wanted to do it again next year.

Halloween at the Library
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