Sunday, October 26, 2008


Today was one of those " you know you are old when..." moments. Kathryn was getting dressed for the Harvest Festival at the Church. She was going to be a doctor but when she came out of her room this is what she had on. I told her she looked like Pebbles. she asked "who is Pebbles?" So off to the internet we went to look up the Flintstones. I put a bone in her hair and the costume was complete.
They had the usual things like the bounce houses...(Kathryn's toes are the ones at the top of the slide. She started too late and I missed her coming down the slide..
... But she was all smiles at the end...)
This was her favorite house. She worked and worked until she got a basket.
and carnival games...
They even had some unusual things like toasting marshmellows to make smores.
Kathryn played 12 rounds of the cake walk to win a cake. she choose some mini cupcakes so she could take them home to share with everyone.
This was a donut eating contest.
We only stayed for about an hour but we had a great time. When we left it was starting to get really crowed and we had done all the activities anyway so we called it a day. Halloween is such a silly fun time.

Dancing with Daddy

I was on the back computer this afternoon, when I hear giggling from the front room. I look up and see Tom and Kathryn dancing. I of course grabbed my camera and snuck in there and got their picture before they realized what I was doing. I love the looks on their faces.

Monday, October 20, 2008


It is hard to believe but Bella has been a part of our family for one year now. It does not seem that long.
So tiny, so cute...
Look at her now. She is still beautiful. just befor this pic was taken she had been up in the little bed that she is beside now. I called for the camera and of course she jumped down.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Granny's Frying Pan

I guess I better start with an update. For the last month since Albertson's closed Robert and Amanda have been tossing around the idea of using his severence package to open up a resturant. They invited Tom and me to join them. We went and signed the papers on Friday and we now have to get it cleaned up and operational. We have one month to get all the ducks in a row or decide we are in over our heads. I will post pictures at a later date. Please keep us all in your prayers as we begin this new adventure.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


We were sitting in church on Sunday and it came time for the offering plate. We usually give Kathryn some change or a dollar to put in. This sunday I did not have any cash on me and I told her this. She says to me why don't you put in your debit card. Jesus could use your credit card. The people sitting behind us just started laughing.
I remember when we were little one of my siblings told mom when they were in the store and mom said we did not have the money for something the sibling said why not just write a check for it. If it were only that easy sometimes. They do not understand yet that you must first have money in the bank to back it up.

Pumpkin Patch

Yesterday Tom, Kathryn, and I went to a pumpkin patch. I had been asked to come read to a group of children from a local center. The "patch" is at a church. They had every kind of pumpkin and gord that you can imagine. We had fun looking and exploring all the different shapes and textures.
I read two stories to the children. It was funny because one I was going to read I could not find at home and when I got to the church it was one of the ones they had picked out for me to read.

It is called "The Pumpkin Patch Parable" . We bought this book for Kathryn at her first pumpkin patch in Orlando and we have read it to her every year since. Her face lit up when she saw and recognized the book. I must find her copy at the house.
As you can imagine there were many photo opportunities. Her are daddy and Kathryn with her new friend Haley.

Kathryn made her choice of a medium pumpkin. Last year was the first year she would put her hands in the slimmy stuff. This year she can not wait for daddy and her to carve it up. they are planning on a spooky face. We will see what they come up with.

She got this little one for participating in the storytime. She gave the little one to Haley. She is going to draw a face on it and use feathers to make hair. Pics to follow later.
Here is Cinderella returning home after the ball.
Pumpkins were not the only interesting thing at the patch. This bird kept flying from tree to tree and he finally landed on this post where we snapped his picture.

A Snowman

Even though my child has never seen snow in her life this week she made a snowman. We are discussing solids, liquids and gases so I pulled out the icee maker and shaved off some "snow" and she made a snowman.

After he was finished we bought out the sun ( blowdryer) and melted him. She discovered that the closer the sun was the hotter it was and the faster it melted.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

First quarter of school

It is hard to believe we are starting week 8 of school for this year. It has been very busy and very full of learning for both of us. We began at Albertson's for the first two weeks.

Kathryn returned to gymnastics in September. She is improving with her balance. Now if I can just get her to land on two feet. She consistanly steps one then two when landing. We are working on landing on two feet off the mini tramp at home.
We have taken an expidetion under the sea to the depths of the ocean. Here is Kathryn swimming with an octopus.
She begged me to cut her hair short. This is as short as I was willing to go.
I think this was her favorite of all the units we have done. It was a study of the human body. We traced her body then added in bones, muscles and internal organs. She thought it the biggest hoot when talking about the digestive tract when it get to the end of the intestins you elimanate what your body can not use. It was funny to her to talk about the bathroom in school. Here she is showing off her muscles.

Kathryn has several Build A Bear friends because she has been invited to several of her friends and her cousins parties up there. She came up to me and told me she wanted to go back to make a bunny like Sam's. I told her I was not going to buy her another stuffed friend that if she wanted it she was going to have to save her money and buy it. It took her several months but this week ahe earned enough and today I took her to make her bunny.
This was the ancient egyptian project. We made a mummy and a pyramid. We found out that the kings had their enemies pictures painted on their shoes so they could figurativly crush their enemies every time the stepped. I asked several people and none of them knew this so it was cool for Kathryn to share this info that no one else knew.

I am so looking forward to the next 9 weeks we are going to have a blast learning together.

7 Days

We were doing a review of some of her bible lessons and we decided to take a walk and find all of the wonders God had created. Here is our results.

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And God said Let there be a firmament in the misdt of the waters and let it divide the waters from the waters.

And God said Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place and let the dry land appear and it was so. And God called the dry land Earth and the gathering together of the waters called the Seas and God saw that it was good.
On the third day God brought forth the grass and the trees. And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night: He made to stars also.
And God said Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creatures that hath life and the fowl that may fly aboove the earth in the open firmament of Heaven.

And God said let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping things and beast of the earth after his kind and it was so.

So God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him; male and female created He them.
And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made and he rested on the seventh day from all his work. God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it.

Pizza Hut Kick Off Party

On October 1st we had a Pizza Hut Book It Kick Off Party. We started off by looking at the packet that Pizza Hut sent us and then we read the book "The Big, Fat, Enormous Lie" . After we finished the book the older children and I did a Story map of the book and.....

....the younger children did a story sequence of the book. The Pizza Hut web site has many resources like these available to use with their program. After we were done with the project the children were able to choose books to take home. Each family had brought in some books to have a book exchange. I was thrilled to see so many children excited about reading new books.

We ordered some pizza and everyone just enjoyed some fellowship together.
We were done before the lunch crowd arrived. :)

Have a great year and read, read, read!!!