Yesterday Tom, Kathryn, and I went to a pumpkin patch. I had been asked to come read to a group of children from a local center. The "patch" is at a church. They had every kind of pumpkin and gord that you can imagine. We had fun looking and exploring all the different shapes and textures.

I read two stories to the children. It was funny because one I was going to read I could not find at home and when I got to the church it was one of the ones they had picked out for me to read.
It is called "The Pumpkin Patch Parable" . We bought this book for Kathryn at her first pumpkin patch in Orlando and we have read it to her every year since. Her face lit up when she saw and recognized the book. I must find her copy at the house.

As you can imagine there were many photo opportunities. Her are daddy and Kathryn with her new friend Haley.

Kathryn made her choice of a medium pumpkin. Last year was the first year she would put her hands in the slimmy stuff. This year she can not wait for daddy and her to carve it up. they are planning on a spooky face. We will see what they come up with.

She got this little one for participating in the storytime. She gave the little one to Haley. She is going to draw a face on it and use feathers to make hair. Pics to follow later.

Here is Cinderella returning home after the ball.

Pumpkins were not the only interesting thing at the patch. This bird kept flying from tree to tree and he finally landed on this post where we snapped his picture.