Kathryn has been begging me for a slumber party since her birthday. Be careful what you wish for... Kathryn and Sam's friend Grace is in the process of moving into town. Her parents have been busy painting the new house and moving stuff from 45 min away into town. Grace has been spending several noghts between here and Sam's house. The girls have been like the three Muskateers. They have played in the pool, done arts and crafts, made up a concert together, in all they have had a wonderful time together.

Haddy and Hannah are Kathryn and Samantha's best friends since Orlando. Because they moved to Monticello we do not get to see as much of them as we used to so I arranged last week for the girls to come and spend the night. It turned into a party. They were so excited to see each other they were bouncing off the wall like a golf ball in a tile bathroom. They got here at 4pm and I just got them to lay still enough to try to go to sleep.

Kathryn and Hannah pulled out all her little pet shop friends and had them scattered all over her room. They were making cities for them. The older girls set up the tents in the living rooma dn made forts and then decided to play hide and seek. Let me tell you I did not think there were that many places to hide in my house but these are some creative children. They crawled into spaces I did not think they would fit into but some houw they did. Haddy won the most she is very good at this game.

Of course it was a junk food night. We made icees, and they had pizza, chicken fingers and fries for dinner, and popcorn and a movie into the evening. I am so glad I did this for Kathryn. She adores her friend and does not get to see her much so I felt this was important to do before school started again. Thomas of course hid out in the back room away from the giggles and the noise. his loss because we had fun.
On another note I go back into the work force tomorrow. I am not thrilled about it but we do what we have to do to survive. Will let you know how it goes.